Wyanne Wall Art

Wyanne has been a full-time artist for the past 20 years. She’s been blessed to have her art in collections all over the world. Her art has also been licensed by Natural Life, the eclectic boho company, and several greeting card companies. She was diagnosed with oral cancer (Stage 4) in late 2013. She was really shocked since she was not a smoker, and she was in relatively healthy. She had to undergo a major surgery that took 13 hours. In the process she lost 66 lymph nodes and her entire tongue. The surgery was followed by chemotherapy, radiation and a year-long grueling recovery process. Wyanne lost her ability to talk clearly and she takes all of her nutrition from a stomach feeding tube. However, she’s thankful that she’s still cancer free and winning the battle with the beast. She counts herself extremely lucky that she doesn’t have to talk in order to paint.

She’s now painting more than ever! She currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her two lovely children and her husband. Some aquariums of Betta fish, a spotted mini dachshund and snails and shrimp keep her company in her studio on daily basis, while she does what she loves....painting. Life is grand! The whole experience process has taught her to live in the moment and not take anything for granted – even the little things in life. For products, Wyanne is currently represented exclusively by Art Licensing.com. And she’s seeking gallery representation for original paintings. Today, she can’t imagine life without art.

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